Monday, April 15, 2013


There is a part of us that just wants to give up. The motivation is gone, lost or was never there to begin with. (I partly blame spring break on that) We don't want to go to that activity, hang out with that friend, go on that date, have that awkward talk, fulfill your calling, do that assignment, study, read, work, clean, shower, do your hair, paint your nails, shave, workout. Ah. It can be overwhelming and all we want to do is curl up in a ball and cry....

I remember when I was on the 6th grade basketball team, our coach ran us to the ground. I think we were the worst team, but probably in the best shape. We would run suicides A LOT. And I remember thinking during them that I would say to myself, you can do it. Don't give up. Just a little bit longer. Fast forward a few years and the worries, responsibilities and challenges have piled up. There are a lot of suicides to run. It seems like my positive thoughts, not all the time, but lately have turned into ones of defeat. But why can't my 11 y.o. self tell my 24 y.o. self..."You can do it! Just a little bit are NOT giving up." 

 When I am so close to giving up or wanting to throw in the towel, something pulls me back in and says, "you've still got many rounds to go." There is that little voice in our head that keeps us going. I don't always know how it remains there, but there is this instinct part of me that can't ever fully give up. I definitely know God doesn't want me to. I think my motivation is knowing that Heavenly Father is in my corner and Christ is next to me fighting. They can give me the motivation to finish this PTA program, fulfill my BIG calling, serve others, and yes, I'm going to say it, keep on dating, no matter how annoying it can be. :) Whether its small or big, they've always got my back.